Join our PTA Executive Board

We are in NEED of parents willing to join our PTA Executive Board next year. We have 8 open spots that need to be filled and we currently only have 2 nominations submitted. Without a full Executive Board, we will not be able to continue our PTA and therefore unable to provide all the activities and support for our Bryant Ranch Explorers. Please consider getting involved and helping keep our traditions and programs going strong in the coming years. Please view available positions and submit your information HERE by Friday, February 21, 2025, if you are interested and willing to join our PTA Board. Any questions please reach out to Kristy Case

PTA is in NEED of Volunteers for the 2024/2025 School Year

Hello Explorer Families,

Have you enjoyed participating in our Community Give Back nights such as Literacy Night and Trunk or Treat? Do your children love the Brag Cart, Garden Club, assemblies, field trips and more? If so, we need your help to keep our PTA going strong at Bryant Ranch! It is time for volunteers/nominations to be made to fill our Executive Board for next school year. Please take a moment to look at the Officer Election form HERE and see what jobs need to be filled and find out more about what each position entails.

If you have any questions, please comment on this post or email and our PTA President Kristy Case will get back to you.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Your Bryant Ranch PTA

Holiday Grams are on Sale NOW!

Holiday Grams are on Sale from 11/20 to 12/13! 

Send Holiday wishes to your friends, teacher or even the whole class! Candy grams are just $1 or send one to the whole class for $25. Purchases can be made through Parent Square, with cash or by check (made payable to Bryant Ranch PTA).

Your holiday cheer helps support 5th grade promotion activities. 

Thank you for your support!

Happy Holidays

inline images 1731628793153 IMG 8875 - Holiday Grams are on Sale NOW!

Halloween Grams are on Sale NOW!

There’s still time to order your Halloween Grams! Orders can be placed through Parent Square or by turning in an order form and payment to the front office. We will also be taking orders at Trunk or Treat this Friday. All orders are due by 10/21.

Halloween Grams are on Sale from 10/1 to 10/21! 

Send a frightfully fun Halloween gram to all your friends! Each gram is just $1 or send one to the whole class for $25. Purchases can be made through Parent Square, with cash or by check (made payable to Bryant Ranch PTA).

All proceeds go toward spook-tacular 5th grade promotion activities. Thank you for your support!

Get yours before they vanish into the night!

inline images 1727625090043 Halloween+gram+2024 - Halloween Grams are on Sale NOW!