Trunk or Treat is Happening Soon!

Reminder- This morning is the first morning to feed the Candy Monsters on the way onto campus! Help us make Trunk or Treat a great night and please donate candy! 

See flyer below for more info! 

Thank you, 
Bryant Ranch PTA

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Our Annual Trunk or Treat Family Night is only TWO weeks away! Mark your calendar, you won’t want to miss this fun event. PTA is in need of families, teachers or groups to host Trunks for our Trunk or Treat. If you are interested in volunteering to help make this event amazing, please fill out the Google Form HERE.inline images 1728065413761 image 123650291 4 - Trunk or Treat is Happening Soon!

Trunk or Treat is a free event for our Explorer families, but we do ask for candy donations. CANDY collections will begin next Tuesday, 10/8.  Any donations would be much appreciated and will help make this event a success. 

Join PTA Today, help your child’s class win a popsicle party and support Bryant Ranch!

We reached our membership goal!We have had 213 people sign up for our PTA and have exceeded our membership goal. A big thank you to everyone that has signed up so far. Today is our last day of our membership drive. There is still time to sign up. The classroom with the most memberships will earn a popsicle party and a $100 Amazon gift card for their teacher’s classroom.Here are the top three classrooms with the most memberships:1. McClain 
3. VermillonAnother way to show your Explorer Pride is through wearing your BR spirit wear! Today is the last day to order Spirit Wear this year, visit this link to order

Halloween Grams are on Sale from 10/1 to 10/21

Halloween Grams are on Sale NOW!

Payment,  Form,  Files

Halloween Grams are on Sale from 10/1 to 10/21! 

Send a frightfully fun Halloween gram to all your friends! Each gram is just $1 or send one to the whole class for $25. Purchases can be made through Parent Square, with cash or by check (made payable to Bryant Ranch PTA).

All proceeds go toward spook-tacular 5th grade promotion activities. Thank you for your support!

Get yours before they vanish into the night!
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Read-A-Thon Update

Read-A-Thon Update

Keep up the hard work Explorers, we are close to reaching our fundraising goal! Don’t forget to read everyday and log your minutes as well as share your Read-A-Thon page with friends and family. Please see the below prize sheet with details on class prizes as well as individual reader prizes. 

Visit our school Read-A-Thon page HERE if you have not yet registered your child, it is not too late to participate!
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Bryant Ranch Holiday Fundraiser

Bryant Ranch Holiday Fundraiser

Hello Bryant Ranch Families,
We are excited to announce a new holiday fundraiser that will help raise funds for 5th Grade Promotion. All you have to do is visit 
SHOPFUND which will take you to the Believe Online Fundraiser. This is a quick and convenient way to purchase items such as wrapping paper, ribbon, gifts, cute holiday décor and more! Orders and payments are made through the online store and all product is shipped direct to the purchaser. Please feel free to share this with family and friends – especially those who are out of state- as they can also take part in helping our students while getting some holiday shopping done.
Thank you for your support!

The 5th Grade Committee

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Join PTA Today, help your child’s class win a popsicle party and support Bryant Ranch!

The Bryant Ranch PTA  needs your support through your membership.

Your $16 membership helps our students EXPLORE through PTA sponsored educational and enrichment programs such as Wordly Wise, Reflections, Art Masters and other school-wide activities.  See the attached flyer for more information. 

Sign up by October 1st to be included in the membership drive. 

The class with the most PTA members will earn a popsicle party and a $25 gift card

 for their teacher.


Read-A-Thon Starts Today!

We’re thrilled to announce that our Read-A-Thon is underway! We’re counting on you to make it a success. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page 
by clicking on the following link:

It only takes a minute or two, and your support will greatly assist us in meeting our financial goals. Thank you for your help in reaching our fundraising goal. 
Students can earn rewards for both minutes read (see below) and donations received. 

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Bryant Ranch PTA